A third-degree criminal trespass charge in Douglas County, Colorado can result from simply going on another’s property without permission. If you enter or remain on someone’s land that isn’t fenced or enclosed in some way, a 3rd degree trespassing charge can result. A key element of this offense is that you didn’t have permission to be on the premises. Wandering around your neighborhood or cutting through a person’s land to make your walk shorter is risky in Castle Rock, Parker, and Highlands Ranch. If someone is accusing you of trespassing on their property in Colorado, consult an experienced trespass lawyer right away.
What’s Third-Degree Criminal Trespass in Colorado?
3rd degree trespass is the least severe trespassing charge in Colorado. CRS 18-4-504 defines the specific elements of this crime. You commit third-degree criminal trespass in Lone Tree, Larkspur, or Sedalia if you:
- unlawfully enter or remain,
- in or upon the premises of another
This degree of trespassing often occurs on land without a fence or shelter with only a roof. If the situation involves an area with a fence or is enclosed in a way to prevent intruders, second-degree trespassing applies.
Is Third-Degree Criminal Trespass Always a Misdemeanor?
Trespassing in the third-degree is at minimum a class 1 petty offense in Colorado. Defendants face up to 180 days in county jail and a maximum fine of $500 for conviction. However, a 3rd degree trespass on agricultural land is a class 3 misdemeanor. Unlawfully entering or remaining on a farm or ranch can also result in jail time and fines. Additionally, if there was intent to commit a felony on those agricultural lands, a class 5 felony applies. This can result in prison time, as well as substantial fines.
Douglas County Trespass Lawyer
A charge of trespassing can be both alarming and confusing for a defendant. Maybe you had permission to be on the property or had no idea you were trespassing on someone’s land. A free, confidential consultation with an experienced trespass lawyer is your next step. We will carefully analyze your unique circumstances, as well as recommend next steps in your defense. Contact our office for help today. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make skilled representation a reality in these uncertain times.
So, if you or someone you know is facing a trespassing charge in Colorado, be smart. Contact the top criminal defense attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo by Wesley Tingey