Douglas County Public Indecency Lawyer: Castle Rock Public Indecency Attorney
In Castle Rock and Douglas County, Public Indecency, C.R.S. 18-7-301, charges occur most often when two people are intimate in public, or when someone exposes their genitals in a way which causes alarm to another person. Public indecency is not considered a sex offense upon an initial conviction, but a second conviction can lead to more serious consequences, including sex offender registration and treatment. A closely related crime to Public indecency is Indecent Exposure, C.R.S. 18-7-302, which is a sexual offense requiring sex offender registration and treatment upon an initial conviction. Often, police and District Attorneys overcharge public indecency and indecent exposure so they can “reduce” charges and offer a plea bargain deal. Be sure to consult a Castle Rock and Douglas County Public Indecency lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group, LLC if facing charges of public indecency, indecent exposure, or both.
Public Indecency in Douglas County and Parker: Elements of Public Indecency
In Douglas County and Parker, public indecency charges occur whenever someone (while in public) has sexual intercourse, lewdly exposes an intimate body part (not including their genitals) to arouse or satisfy another person’s sexual desire, does a lewd fondling or caress of the body of another, or exposes their genitals to another person, which causes alarm. The definition of “lewd” is not present in the public indecency statute, which means it is up to the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office and the courts to guess what qualifies as lewd. This is never a good thing. When statutes and definitions are broad, men and women can be wrongfully charged or convicted. It is always best to consult a Douglas County public indecency lawyer if facing charges. You are entitled to an expert defense.
Public Indecency Attorney in Highlands Ranch: Common Examples of Public Indecency Charges
Our Highlands Ranch Public Indecency lawyers often see Public Indecency charges being filed under seemingly harmless circumstances, or when men and women aren’t aware of the consequences of their actions. Pranks such as mooning passing cars or streaking during a sports game, can lead to public indecency charges, or even worse charges like indecent exposure. Urinating in public (even when you weren’t aware anyone was around) can also lead to public indecency charges. Our criminal defense lawyers have also seen public indecency charges being filed when two people are caught having sex in their car at a public park. In cases where a person commits public indecency against a person they are or have ever been in an intimate relationship with, Domestic Violence charges can also be filed.

Public Indecency in Lone Tree and Douglas County is a Class 1 Petty Offense or Class 1 Misdemeanor
In general, Public indecency is charged as a petty offense in Lone Tree and Douglas County, which is punishable by up to 10 days in the Douglas County Jail and up to $300 in fines. Sex offender registration and treatment are not required upon an initial conviction of public indecency. However, after a second conviction, certain acts of public indecency become a class 1 misdemeanor and a sex crime conviction. This means sex offender registration and treatment will be required.
Douglas County Public Indecency Lawyer: Call Us at 303-265-1950
While a petty offense charge of public indecency may not seem like a big deal in Castle Rock, it can quickly turn into a misdemeanor public indecency charge. For example, if you are caught urinating in public more than once, you may be facing misdemeanor public indecency charges and be at risk of having to register as a sex offender and complete sex offender treatment. Those required to register as a sex offender will be overseen by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board. A conviction of public indecency is restricting and embarrassing. What would a potential employer think if they saw a charge for public indecency or indecent exposure on your background search? You need an experienced criminal defense lawyer who will listen to your side of the story and defend you aggressively in court. Our skilled criminal defense attorneys know the difference between indecent exposure and public indecency and can often get charges reduced or dismissed where you’ve been overcharged. In other cases, our public indecency lawyers may be able to assert an affirmative defense, such as if you felt someone forced you to commit public indecency, or if police entrapped you into committing public indecency. Always involve a knowledgeable Douglas County public indecency lawyer in your case if facing charges or accusations. Your future is worth protecting.