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Internet Luring, Enticement, and Sexual Exploitation in Highlands Ranch

Douglas County Lawyer for Internet Luring, Enticement and Sexual Exploitation

In Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock, a person can face charges for having sexual contact with children, engaging in inappropriate conversations with children online, possessing or making sexually explicit material of children, or by sharing sexually explicit material of children online. These charges include Enticement of a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-305, Internet Luring of a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-306, Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-405.4, and Sexual Exploitation of a Child, C.R.S. 18-6-403. Sometimes, the phrase “Sexting” is used to describe these crimes.  Each one of these sexual offenses can come with long-term consequences, and even the chance of Indeterminate Sentencing.  So, it is essential you work with the best sex crimes lawyer who specializes in the law on internet sexual offenses.

Internet Luring  of a Child Definition – C.R.S. 18-3-306:

(1)  An actor commits internet luring of a child if the actor knowingly communicates over a computer or computer network, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message to a person who the actor knows or believes to be under fifteen years of age and, in that communication or in any subsequent communication by computer, computer network, telephone network, data network, text message, or instant message, describes explicit sexual conduct as defined in section 18-6-403 (2)(e), and, in connection with that description, makes a statement persuading or inviting the person to meet the actor for any purpose, and the actor is more than four years older than the person or than the age the actor believes the person to be.

Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child Definition – C.R.S. 18-3-405.4:

(1)  An actor commits internet sexual exploitation of a child if the actor knowingly importunes, invites, or entices through communication via a computer network or system, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message, a person whom the actor knows or believes to be under fifteen years of age and at least four years younger than the actor, to:
(a)  Expose or touch the person’s own or another person’s intimate parts while communicating with the actor via a computer network or system, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message; or
(b)  Observe the actor’s intimate parts via a computer network or system, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message.

Enticement of a Child Definition – C.R.S. 18-3-305:

(1)  A person commits the crime of enticement of a child if he or she invites or persuades, or attempts to invite or persuade, a child under the age of fifteen years to enter any vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent to commit sexual assault or unlawful sexual contact upon said child. It is not necessary to a prosecution for attempt under this subsection (1) that the child have perceived the defendant’s act of enticement.

Sexual Exploitation of a Child Definition – C.R.S. 18-6-403:

(1)  The general assembly hereby finds and declares: That the sexual exploitation of children constitutes a wrongful invasion of the child’s right of privacy and results in social, developmental, and emotional injury to the child; that a child below the age of eighteen years is incapable of giving informed consent to the use of his or her body for a sexual purpose; and that to protect children from sexual exploitation it is necessary to prohibit the production of material which involves or is derived from such exploitation and to exclude all such material from the channels of trade and commerce.
(1.5)  The general assembly further finds and declares that the mere possession or control of any sexually exploitative material results in continuing victimization of our children by the fact that such material is a permanent record of an act or acts of sexual abuse of a child; that each time such material is shown or viewed, the child is harmed; that such material is used to break down the will and resistance of other children to encourage them to participate in similar acts of sexual abuse; that laws banning the production and distribution of such material are insufficient to halt this abuse; that in order to stop the sexual exploitation and abuse of our children, it is necessary for the state to ban the possession of any sexually exploitative materials; and that the state has a compelling interest in outlawing the possession of any sexually exploitative materials in order to protect society as a whole, and particularly the privacy, health, and emotional welfare of its children.

Penalty for Sex Crimes Against Children

In Castle Rock, Colorado, the penalties are severe for sex crimes against children, and penalties can range from years to a life sentence in the Colorado Department of Corrections. Besides jail time and fines, you will also have to register as a sex offender and undergo extensive sex offender treatment, supervised by the Sex Offender Management Board.

Charged with a Sex Offense in Castle Rock?

Call Us at 303-265-1950

Don’t leave your future up to chance. Make sure to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side, fighting the serious charges of Exploitation, Enticement, or Internet Luring. Contact the sex crime lawyers at O’Malley and Sawyer today at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.