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Assault on Police, Resisting Arrest, Obstruction, Escape in Douglas County | Castle Rock Police Crimes

In Castle Rock and Parker, men and women frequently face charges involving a police officer when they are exercising their constitutional rights. Some police involved crimes involve Second Degree Assault on a Police Officer, Escape, Obstruction and Resisting Arrest. To make matters worse, judges and Douglas County District Attorneys tend to side with the police officer in court when you are accused, instead of remaining unbiased. Police are seen as symbols of protection in society, so any time they feel someone's protection is threatened, criminal charges can be filed and it can be difficult to argue the defendant's side in court. You should always consult an experienced Castle Rock Police Crimes lawyer if facing criminal charges involving police in Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, or Parker.


Assault on Police, Escape, False Reporting in Larkspur | Criminal Offenses Involving Peace Officers in Colorado

Charged with Second Degree Assault on a Peace Officer in Castle Rock? Contact a criminal defense lawyer.

Assault on a Police Officer in Douglas County, C.R.S. 18-3-203

In Larkspur, men and women are charged with Assault in the Second Degree, or Assault on a Police Officer, C.R.S. 18-3-203, after causing injury to police by accident. Whether someone is being arrested while intoxicated and they accidentally elbow police while resisting an excessive force arrest, or someone accidentally injures an officer during a riot, Assault on Police charges will be filed. Even if a police officer experiences minor pain after an alleged assault, such as a bruise, it is enough to file charges of Second Degree Assault on a Peace Officer in Parker.  This crime has a mandatory prison sentence, so we treat it with special care.

Escape in Castle Rock, C.R.S. 18-8-208

Escape charges can occur in Castle Rock when someone is in custody and they flee, or escape, from police. Escape charges can also be filed if someone escapes from a work release sentence after failing to return to the Douglas County Jail. Escape can either be a felony, misdemeanor or petty offense, depending on the underlying crime's classification. Sometimes, charges of Aiding Escape, C.R.S. 18-8-201, are filed with Escape charges if someone aids, abets or assists another person to escape or attempt to escape from custody.

Charged with False Reporting in Castle Rock or Douglas County? Contact a Castle Rock False Reporting lawyer at the O'Malley Law Office.

False Reporting in Lone Tree and Castle Rock, C.R.S. 18-8-111

There are many ways False Reporting, C.R.S. 18-8-111, charges are filed in Lone Tree and Castle Rock. Causing an emergency alarm to sound when there is no reason for it, preventing an emergency alarm from sounding, making a false report of a crime, lying to the police or giving police false identifying information, can all lead to charges of False Reporting. Our criminal defense lawyers often see this crime charged when someone is afraid of facing criminal charges, so they give false information to police, not realizing the potential consequences involved.

Impersonating a Police / Peace Officer in Parker, C.R.S. 18-8-112

Falsely pretending to be a peace officer and performing an act in that pretend capacity in Parker, Colorado, will lead to charges of Impersonating a Police Officer. Simply pretending to be a police officer alone is not enough to charge this crime. An individual would have to carry out acts while pretending to be a police officer to be charged, such as driving a police car or pulling people over while driving.


Obstruction of a Peace Officer in Douglas County, C.R.S. 18-8-104

Obstruction of a Peace Officer, Firefighter, Emergency Medical Services Provider, Rescue Specialist, or Volunteer charges occur in Douglas County if someone uses violence, force, physical interference or an obstacle to obstruct a peace officer, firefighter, emergency medical service provider, rescue specialist, volunteer or law enforcement animal from performing a lawful duty. Police charge this crime under many circumstances, such as when someone refuses to give police identification when pulled over. Simply making a police officer’s job more difficult can lead to charges of Obstruction of a Police Officer. A police officer’s “intent to arrest” is necessary to have in the prosecution for Obstructing a Peace Officer. Otherwise, it becomes difficult for the prosecution to prove that the police officer was “acting under color of his or her official authority,” and therefore, insufficient evidence for a conviction exists.

Resisting Arrest in Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch, C.R.S. 18-8-103

Preventing or attempting to prevent police from completing an arrest in Castle Rock or Highlands Ranch, by using or threatening to use physical force, or by using any other means which causes a risk of bodily injury to police, will lead to charges of Resisting Arrest. Resisting Arrest charges are filed when someone doesn’t know why they’re being arrested and they resort to physical force to try to avoid the arrest. In some cases, our criminal defense lawyers can use the self-defense affirmative defense when defending against Resisting Arrest charges, if the police are using excessive force. In general, it is always best to submit to police, even if they are being unreasonably rough. Even if you feel you shouldn’t be arrested, always remain silent when confronted by police. Any statements you make to police will be admissible against you at trial.


Charged with a Police Crime in Castle Rock? Call Us at 303-265-1950

Each one of the criminal offenses listed above come with varying degrees of punishment, depending on the details of the offense and the criminal history of the accused. Some of the above police criminal offenses will be charged as a misdemeanor, while others will be charged as a felony in Douglas County. You cannot afford to fight these charges alone when there are so many complex factors involved. What you need is an experienced Castle Rock police crimes lawyer who is familiar with each of the police crimes listed above. You need a Castle Rock police crimes lawyer who can speak with investigators, accident reconstructionists and expert witnesses to help present a solid defense for you in court. Call Sawyer Legal Group, LLC today at 303-265-1950 if facing criminal charges involving a police officer and protect your future.