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Castle Rock Juvenile Sexting Lawyer: Douglas County Sexting Attorney

In Castle Rock and Douglas County, “sexting” involves the act of sending and receiving sexually explicit material on a device. In cases where a teen or juvenile is found sexting in Castle Rock or Douglas County, they can face serious sexual offenses such as Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, Internet Luring of a Child or Sexual Exploitation of a Child. Teens often engage in sexting when they’re in a relationship and they’re sending inappropriate photos back and forth to their significant other. Unfortunately, teens and juveniles don’t often understand the weight of sexting or the weight of serious criminal charges as a result of sexting with another juvenile in Colorado. A conviction of a sexual offense as a result of sexting can lead to many consequences, including sex offender registration and treatment. Be sure to consult a Castle Rock juvenile sexting lawyer at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC as soon as possible if your child is facing criminal charges as a result of sexting.

Sexting in Parker and Castle Rock: It Doesn’t Just Involve Sending Inappropriate Pictures

Juvenile sexting in Parker and Castle Rock doesn’t always involve sending sexually explicit pictures on a smartphone. Juvenile sexting can also include sexually explicit conversations, which can lead to Internet Luring of a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-306, charges. Internet Luring of a Child charges occur whenever someone communicates over a computer or phone with someone under fifteen years of age, describes “explicit sexual conduct” with them, and makes an invitation to meet them for any purpose. “Explicit sexual conduct” includes anything from sexual intercourse, erotic fondling, erotic nudity, masturbation, sadomasochism, to sexual excitement. In Internet Luring of a Child cases, the actor must be more than four years older than the child or than the age they believe the child to be. For example, a 16-year-old sexting an 11-year-old, having a sexual conversation with them and inviting them to meet in person, can warrant Internet Luring of a Child charges.

Contact a Castle Rock juvenile sexting lawyer at the O'Malley Law Office if your child is facing charges as a result of sexting.

Charged with a Sexting Crime in Castle Rock? Call Us at 303-265-1950

Sexting can lead to dramatic consequences for your child or teen in Castle Rock and Douglas County, including juvenile detention, sex offender registration and mandatory Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) treatment. Additionally, sexting can lead to prohibited contact with other children, including a teen’s friends and younger siblings. In cases where teens cannot have contact with their own siblings, they may have to move out of their own home. A juvenile’s chances of finding a job or getting into the college of their choice can all be impacted by sexting and charges like Sexual Exploitation of a Child or Internet Luring of a Child. It is always wise to have open communication with your child in Castle Rock or Larkspur to protect them from criminal charges. You may not be aware if your child or teen is engaging in unlawful sexual behavior, and they may not either. Consistently communicating with your child will allow you to emphasize the dangers of sexting and make sure they don’t have any nude or sexually explicit photos or dialogue on their phones. If your child is facing charges, protect their future by calling an experienced Castle Rock juvenile sexting lawyer at Sawyer Legal Group. Our criminal defense lawyers care about you and your family and will fight to get your child’s case dismissed or charges reduced.