Highlands Ranch Prohibited Use of Weapons Lawyer: Castle Rock Prohibited Use of Weapons Attorney
What is the Definition of Prohibited Use of Weapons in Castle Rock and Parker, Colorado?
In Castle Rock and Parker, Colorado, a person can face charges of Prohibited Use of Weapons if they:

The criminal defense attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group most commonly see situations where a person has been drinking alcohol and possesses a firearm while drinking. Even if they do not fire the gun or firearm, they can still face charges of Prohibited Use of Weapons. For instance, having a gun out on the table at home while under the influence of alcohol can lead to Prohibited Use of Weapons charges. This charge isn’t as common, however, when a person has their firearm locked away. The gun must be in a person’s possession while they are intoxicated to face Prohibited Use of Weapons charges. In other cases, we have seen cases where a person faces Prohibited Use of Weapons charges after accidentally shooting a gun or bow and arrow at another person while showing the weapon to them.
What is the Sentence or Penalty for Prohibited Use of Weapons in Douglas County, Colorado Courts?
If a person violates the Prohibited Use of Weapons statute in Douglas County, Colorado, they can face a class 2 misdemeanor charge. A class 2 misdemeanor charge is punishable by up to a 12 month sentence to the Douglas County Jail and up to $1,000 in fines. Additionally, the government often tacks on other criminal charges to Prohibited Use of Weapons charges where they see fit, if a person engaged in conduct which resulted in potential harm or injury to another person.
Reckless Endangerment, Illegal Discharge of a Firearm in Highlands Ranch: Often Charged with Prohibited Use of Weapons
Police and District Attorneys often charge Reckless Endangerment, C.R.S. 18-3-208, with Prohibited Use of Weapons in Highlands Ranch. The use of a weapon is what can lead to Reckless Endangerment charges if someone recklessly engages in conduct which poses a risk that a person will be seriously injured. In other cases, such as when a person accidentally discharges a firearm into a home or other building, charges of Illegal Discharge of a Firearm, C.R.S. 18-12-107.5, can be added. Sometimes, our criminal defense lawyers have seen individuals face charges of Illegal Discharge of a Firearm, even when a bullet from a gun didn’t enter a home. If a person accidentally shot a gun and the bullet landed in the side of the home or in a roof shingle, for example, Illegal Discharge of a Firearm charges can be filed.

Charged with Prohibited Use of Weapons in Castle Rock? Call Us at 303-265-1950
If you are facing charges of Prohibited Use of Weapons in Castle Rock, exercise your right to remain silent and contact the best criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-265-1950. Only a skilled criminal defense lawyer can fight for the best possible outcome in your Prohibited Use of Weapons case. Details like affirmative defenses, definitions of law terms, voir dire and jury instructions can influence the outcome of a Prohibited Use of Weapons trial. For example, in some Prohibited Use of Weapons cases in Colorado, a Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch Prohibited Use of Weapons lawyer often focuses on the issue of “possession” when alcohol is involved. Since the definition of “possession” is a gray area, a Highlands Ranch Prohibited Use of Weapons lawyer at Sawyer Legal Group often has success in winning cases if we can determine that someone was not in possession of a firearm.