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Contact us 24/7 at 303-265-1950

Castle Rock Firearms Lawyer | Firearms Crimes in Douglas County

In Castle Rock and Douglas County, it is your Second Amendment right to possess a firearm or gun. Though the United States Constitution permits owning a firearm or handgun, the federal government has placed many restrictions on your ability to own a rifle or pistol through legislative acts. Remember, "armed people" are called citizens, while "unarmed people" are called subjects. Where the government makes every effort to strip you of your gun rights, you need to contact a top Castle Rock firearms lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group to fight aggressively on your side to protect those rights.


Parker, Lone Tree and Castle Rock Firearms Offenses | Gun Crimes in Colorado

In Parker, Lone Tree and Castle Rock, even though there are laws allowing people to possess a firearm to defend and protect themselves and their property, criminal charges can still be filed. Laws get ignored and men and women are arrested even when exercising constitutional rights. Some common firearms offenses which men and women often face in Colorado include:

Possessing a Dangerous or Illegal Weapon, C.R.S. 18-12-102

Use of Stun Guns, C.R.S. 18-12-106.5

Possession of a Handgun by a Juvenile, C.R.S. 18-12-108.5

Unlawfully Providing or Permitting a Juvenile to Possess a Handgun in Colorado, C.R.S. 18-12-108.7

Possession of a Handgun by a Juvenile, C.R.S. 18-12-108.5

Private Firearms Transfers, C.R.S. 18-12-112

Unlawfully Carrying a Concealed Weapon – Unlawful Possession of Weapons, C.R.S. 18-12-105

Parker Gun Rights and Laws | When Can I Not Possess a Firearm?

It is not Colorado who has come up with most laws surrounding when you can lawfully possess a firearm. Rather, it is the federal government. Restrictions most worthy of attention are listed under Federal law, 18 U.S.C., Section 922(g), which prohibit you from possessing a firearm if:

  • You have been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term greater than one year;
  • You are a fugitive from justice;
  • You are an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance;
  • You have been adjudicated as a mental defective or you’ve been committed to a mental institution;
  • You are in the United States illegally or under a nonimmigrant visa;
  • You’ve been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • You have renounced your U.S. citizenship;
  • You’ve been subject to a court protection order;
  • You’ve been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

There are many other areas of Federal law which restrict your gun rights. Colorado law prohibits you from possessing a firearm under some circumstances as well, such as if you have a felony conviction, you’ve been adjudicated as a juvenile for a crime that would have been considered a felony offense if committed by an adult, you’re on probation or under a court order which has restricted your firearm possession rights, or other miscellaneous provisions.

Castle Rock Firearms Lawyer: Call Us at 303-265-1950

In Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock, it is not always easy to figure out whether you can lawfully own or possess a firearm or pistol. It's always best to speak with an experienced Castle Rock firearms lawyer before taking the risk of possessing a firearm when you’re not sure if you are lawfully able to. Only a skilled gun crimes attorney can examine all details of your case and help determine your eligibility for owning a gun in Colorado. Whether you are being accused of violating federal or Colorado law, if you feel your firearm rights are at risk, consult an experienced criminal defense attorney from Sawyer Legal Group to advise you of your rights and protect your freedom.