Castle Rock DUI Lawyer: Douglas County DUI Attorney
Parker DUI Lawyer: DUI Roadside Tests
If you are pulled over by police for a DUI in Castle Rock or Parker, they will ask you to submit to field sobriety tests. These Colorado sobriety tests may include Walk and Turn, One Leg Stand, Finger to Nose, the Romberg Balance Test and the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test. These roadside tests allow police to check a person’s impairment from alcohol or drugs and are used in establishing Probable Cause to Arrest. The important thing to remember about these roadside tests is that they are voluntary. Politely refusing to submit to these tests is strongly encouraged, since they not only give police probable cause to make an arrest for a DUI, but can be used as evidence to convict you of DUI in court. Below are descriptions of these field sobriety tests so you know what to expect:
Parker, Colorado DUI Attorney: 4th DUI is a Felony
Normally, a DUI is a misdemeanor in Castle Rock or Lone Tree. Recently, however, Colorado law made it so that a fourth DUI is a class 4 felony. A class 4 felony can lead to a Colorado Department of Corrections sentence of up to 6 years. Other criminal offenses which can warrant class 4 felony charges after three prior convictions include DUI per se, DWAI, Vehicular Homicide involving alcohol or Vehicular Assault involving alcohol. If a person has been convicted of any of these criminal offenses and receives a new DUI conviction, they can face felony DUI charges. However, even with three of any of these criminal offenses on a criminal record, an initial conviction (getting one DUI) can be charged as a felony. It is always wise to consult a Castle Rock DUI lawyer or Parker DUI lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group if you are facing charges of a DUI, whether for the first time or not.
Douglas County DUI Lawyer: Blood Alcohol Content in Castle Rock and Douglas County DUI Cases
If police feel they have enough reason to make an arrest for DUI in Castle Rock or Douglas County, you will be taken to the Castle Rock Police Department, Douglas County Jail, or a hospital to have your Blood Alcohol Content tested. At this location, you must choose between a blood test or breath test to measure your BAC. It is always best to choose to submit to a blood or breath test in Castle Rock or Douglas County, since refusing to do so will result in the loss of your Colorado driver’s license for at least one (1) year. In Castle Rock and Douglas County, if your BAC is 0.08 or higher, there is a presumption that you were driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both alcohol and drugs. At .05-.079, officers will charge a DWAI. Police and Castle Rock District Attorneys will then use your Blood Alcohol Content level (BAC), as well as other indicators, as evidence in court that you committed DUI. It’s imperative you have a criminal defense attorney fighting by your side in court when it comes to charges of Driving Under the Influence.

Douglas County Castle Rock DUI Lawyer: Call Us at 303-265-1950
At Sawyer Legal Group, a Parker DUI lawyer will work tirelessly to mount a solid defense in your Douglas County DUI case. We will study the discovery and police reports in your DUI case, evaluate where the District Attorney is coming from, set a date for trial, or work out a favorable plea bargain deal. There are a variety of plea bargain deals, which can have different effects on your probation term, fines and other treatment requirements. A Parker DUI lawyer from our office will uncover whether you were arrested without probable cause and whether the evidence supports the DUI charges you’re facing. You cannot afford to work with a part-time criminal defense lawyer who specializes in other types of law in addition to criminal law when charged with DUI. Instead, you need a full-time, devoted Parker DUI lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group, LLC. Our lawyers practice 100% criminal defense and know DUI law inside and out. Call a Parker DUI lawyer right away to schedule a free initial consultation and discuss your DUI case in more detail.