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Contact us 24/7 at 303-265-1950

Castle Rock Criminal Mischief Lawyer | Douglas County Criminal Mischief Attorney

Criminal Mischief, C.R.S. 18-4-501, charges occur in Castle Rock and Douglas County whenever someone damages real or personal property of one or more people, including property owned jointly with the accused. Criminal Mischief is similar to Theft, where the value of property destroyed determines whether a misdemeanor or felony will be charged. If you are facing charges of Criminal Mischief in Colorado, contact the top criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group to defend you today.

Parker and Castle Rock Criminal Mischief is a Misdemeanor or Felony Depending on Damage

  • Where the aggregate damage is less than $300, criminal mischief is a petty offense.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $300 or more but less than $1,000, criminal mischief is a class 2 misdemeanor.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $1,000 or more but less than $1,999, criminal mischief is a class 1 misdemeanor.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $2,000 or more but less than $5,000, criminal mischief is a class 6 felony.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $5,000 or more but less than $20,000, criminal Mischief is a class 5 felony.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000, Criminal Mischief is a class 4 felony.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $100,000 or more but less than $1,000,000, Criminal Mischief is a class 3 felony.
  • Where the aggregate damage is $1,000,000 or more, Criminal Mischief is a class 2 felony.

Criminal Mischief in Highlands Ranch: Frequently Overcharged

Unfortunately, Criminal Mischief is often overcharged by police and District Attorneys in Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock. All of the values you see listed above are the “aggregate damage” or sum of all real or personal property damaged in the course of a single criminal episode. So, if multiple items belonging to one person are damaged in a single criminal episode, District Attorneys will add the value of each item in an effort to file more serious criminal charges. Police also often use the value of what something was worth when it was brand new or when first purchased, rather than how much it can be replaced for or its value at the time of damage. This can often lead to felony charges if the value of the item falls into a higher value range.

If facing Criminal Mischief charges in Castle Rock, call a Castle Rock Criminal Mischief lawyer at the O'Malley Law Office right away.

Castle Rock Criminal Mischief Lawyer: Call Us at 303-265-1950

Criminal Mischief charges are often charged in Domestic Violence, Harassment or Assault cases in Douglas County. In some of these cases, you may face Criminal Mischief charges for damaging an item you own jointly with a past or current significant other. Even under these circumstances where you own real or personal property jointly, you can still face Criminal Mischief charges if you cause damage to it. If you are facing Criminal Mischief charges in Castle Rock, call Sawyer Legal Group immediately. It is too easy to be falsely accused or overcharged by the government in Criminal Mischief cases, and it’s important to have an advocate by your side to defend you. Our low priced criminal defense attorneys can sometimes get a case dismissed or work towards a more favorable plea bargain deal. Call our office today to schedule a free initial consultation and protect your future.