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Castle Rock Traffic Ticket Lawyer | Douglas County Careless Driving, Hit and Run and Traffic Citation Attorneys

When facing a traffic offense in Castle Rock or Douglas County, such as Careless Driving, Reckless Driving, Vehicular Assault, Driving Under Restraint, or Leaving the Scene of an Accident / Hit and Run, you need an experienced Douglas County traffic crimes lawyer and Castle Rock traffic ticket lawyer to defend you and your driving privilege. A conviction for a traffic criminal offense will mean added points to your Colorado driver’s license, the loss of your job, and in more severe cases the loss of your driver’s license altogether. Never underestimate the potential consequences of a traffic crime in Colorado and a possible point suspension of your license. Consult a Castle Rock traffic ticket lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group to defend you right away.


Traffic Ticket Attorney in Parker and Castle Rock | How Many Points Can I Have Before Losing My Driver's License in Colorado?

The Colorado Department of Revenue – Division of Motor Vehicles assesses points depending on the nature of the traffic crime conviction. Your license and driving rights are extremely important, so don’t delay in contacting an experienced Castle Rock traffic ticket lawyer to defend you if facing a traffic violation. In Parker and Castle Rock, the following can apply upon a conviction of a traffic offense:

  1. For adult drivers who are 21 years and older, they can lose their Colorado driver’s license if they accumulate 12 points in 12 consecutive months. If they acquire 18 points within 24 consecutive months, they may also lose their Colorado driver’s license.
  2. For minors between 18 and 21 years of age, they can lose their Colorado driver’s license if they accumulate 9 points or more within 12 consecutive months, or 12 points or more within 24 consecutive months. After reaching the age of 18 years, they can also lose their license if accumulating fourteen points or more.
  3. For minors under 18 years of age, they can acquire five points within 12 months without issue, or an accumulation of six points before reaching the age of 18.
Contact a Castle Rock traffic ticket lawyer if facing charges of Careless Driving, Driving Under Restraint or Hit and Run.

Traffic Violation Lawyer in Castle Rock and Lone Tree: Common Traffic Crimes and Points Which Our Traffic Lawyers Defend

Careless Driving Lawyer in Castle Rock and Lone Tree: C.R.S. 42-4-1402

In Castle Rock and Lone Tree, Careless Driving, C.R.S. 42-4-1402, charges occur when someone drives in a careless and imprudent manner, without regard for the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic and use of the streets, highways and all other attendant circumstances. Men and women are often ticketed for Careless Driving in Castle Rock for following other cars too closely, accidentally rear-ending vehicles, cutting other drivers off, or speeding. A Careless Driving traffic violation can result in possible Douglas County Jail time and 4 added points to your Colorado driver’s license.

Driving Under Restraint in Parker and Castle Rock: C.R.S. 42-2-138

Driving Under Restraint, C.R.S. 42-2-138, charges occur in Parker and Castle Rock when a person drives knowing their license or privilege to drive is under restraint for any reason other than conviction of DUI, DUI per se, DWAI, or UDD.  However, Driving Under Restraint charges can also be filed when a person drives knowing their license or privilege to drive is restrained solely or partially because of a conviction of DUI, DUI per se, DWAI, or UDD, or is restrained in another state solely or partially because of an alcohol-related driving offense. The consequences upon a Driving Under Restraint conviction can be life-altering, including possible jail time and in more severe cases, the inability to acquire a driver’s license for a certain amount of time.

Hit and Run / Leaving Scene of Accident in Castle Rock: C.R.S. 42-4-1601

The law on Hit and Run, Accidents Involving Death or Personal Injuries, and Leaving the Scene of an Accident, C.R.S. 42-4-1601, in Castle Rock states that a driver involved in an accident resulting in someone’s injury or death, must stop at the scene of the accident or as close to the scene of the accident as possible. When the driver returns to the scene of the accident, they must provide required information and render assistance to anyone injured. Failure to abide by the requirements under this law will lead to a 12 point traffic violation and the loss of their driver's license.

Reckless Driving Lawyer in Larkspur and Castle Rock: C.R.S. 42-4-1401

Any time a person drives in a way that indicates a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of people or property in Larkspur, they will be cited for Reckless Driving, C.R.S. 42-4-1401.  Reckless Driving differs from Careless Driving in that it is charged when someone disregards the safety of property, people and roads. A Reckless Driving conviction can result in Douglas County Jail time and 8 points to your license. Be sure and contact a Castle Rock traffic ticket lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group as soon as possible if you are facing charges of Reckless Driving.

Speeding in Castle Rock and Douglas County: C.R.S. 42-4-1101

Speeding tickets, C.R.S. 42-4-1101, can result in many frustrating and burdensome consequences. You may experience higher insurance rates, and possibly even the loss of your Colorado driver’s license. Depending on how many miles above the speed limit you were going, you can accumulate a certain number of points on your driver’s license. If you accumulate 12 points, you may face suspension, the loss of, or revocation of your Colorado driver’s license. Whether you are driving to and from work, or picking your children up from school, your license and driving rights are crucial to your daily life. Contact a Speeding criminal lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group immediately if you were issued a Speeding ticket.

Vehicular Assault Lawyer in Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch: C.R.S. 18-3-205

In Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch, if someone drives in a reckless manner and causes serious bodily injury to another person, they will be charged with Vehicular Assault, C.R.S. 18-3-205. If a person drives while under the influence of alcohol or one or more drugs, or a combination of alcohol and one or more drugs, and they cause serious bodily injury to another, they will also be charged with Vehicular Assault. Driving while under the influence of alcohol can also lead to DUI charges in Castle Rock. Vehicular Assault is considered a strict liability felony if a person was driving drunk or under the influence of another substance at the time of the Vehicular Assault.

Affordable Traffic Ticket Attorney in Castle Rock: Call Us at 303-265-1950

The Castle Rock traffic attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC, have been defending men and women accused of traffic violations and crimes for over a decade. A conviction of a traffic violation in Colorado can lead to possible jail or prison time, high insurance rates, the loss of your driver’s license and in some cases can keep you from finding a job if you are a commercial driver or drive for a living. At Sawyer Legal Group, we strive to provide a solid defense in your traffic crime case in Castle Rock. Don’t lose hope or plead guilty to avoid criminal charges. Instead, consult an aggressive Castle Rock traffic ticket lawyer at Sawyer Legal Group to fight for your future.