Castle Rock Arson Lawyer | Arson Lawyers in Douglas County
First Degree Arson in Parker and Douglas County, C.R.S. 18-4-102
In Parker and Douglas County, Colorado, first degree arson charges occur whenever someone knowingly sets fire to or burns a building or occupied structure of another without consent. The fire would have to damage or destroy the building or occupied structure. In Parker and Douglas County, 1st degree arson is a class 3 felony and can result in a prison sentence.

Second Degree Arson in Lone Tree, Colorado, C.R.S. 18-4-103
In Lone Tree, Colorado, second degree arson charges occur if you knowingly set fire to or burn any property of another without consent, other than a building or occupied structure. The fire would have to damage or destroy the property. In Colorado, 2nd degree arson is a felony if the damage is $2,000 or more. However, it is a misdemeanor or petty offense if the damage is less than two thousand dollars.
Third Degree Arson in Littleton and Castle Rock, Colorado, C.R.S. 18-4-104
In Littleton and Castle Rock, Colorado, third degree arson charges occur whenever, by means of fire or explosives, someone intentionally damages property with intent to defraud. In Colorado, 3rd degree arson is a class 4 felony.

Fourth Degree Arson in Highlands Ranch, Colorado – C.R.S. 18-4-105
Finally, in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, fourth degree arson charges occur whenever someone knowingly or recklessly starts a fire, or causes an explosion on his own property or someone else’s property. In doing so, they would have to place another in danger of death or serious bodily injury or put a building or occupied structure in danger of damage. Across Colorado, 4th degree arson is a class 4 felony if a person is endangered. However, it is a misdemeanor if only property is endangered and the value of the property is less than $2,000. Or, it is a petty offense if only property is endangered and the value of the property is less than $300.
Charged with Arson in Castle Rock? Contact Us at 303-265-1950
The Castle Rock arson attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group have decades of combined courtroom experience. We have worked with many arson cases in Castle Rock, Douglas County, and all over Colorado. If you are facing charges or being accused of arson in Colorado, the best thing you can do is remain silent. Do not speak to police or fire investigators. The earlier you contact one of our experienced criminal defense lawyers, the better. We can often get charges reduced or dismissed, or work out a more favorable plea bargain deal in your case. Don’t wait if facing arson charges. Call a Castle Rock arson lawyer at Sawyer Legal Group today to schedule a free initial consultation.