Convicted sex offenders are required by law in Colorado to register with their local law enforcement agency. Failing to complete the registration at the specified times outlined in a sentence (yearly or quarterly), is a crime known as Failure to Register as a Sex Offender C.R.S. 18-3-412.5. Those convicted of a felony sex offense commit another felony if they fail to register. Misdemeanor sex offenders commit another misdemeanor should they fail to register. Understanding and navigating these particularly strict registration laws requires council from an experienced sex crimes attorney.
Sex Offender Requirements in Colorado | Defense Attorney
There are many requirements of convicted sex offenders in Colorado. Not only do these obligations apply to those convicted in the state, but also to those who move to Colorado from another state. Some requirements include:
- registering in person as a sex offender with local law enforcement
- completing an up-to-date and accurate registration form
- providing a current address and date of birth
- listing current, full legal name and all previous names
- re-registering within 5 days of a change of residence, purchase of an additional residence, or legal name change
- allowing for a current photograph
- providing fingerprints
- listing all email addresses and social media information
- providing license plate, make & model, and color of all owned or operated vehicles
Specifically, providing inaccurate or false information regarding any of the above items or failing to provide this information within a timely manner (5 days), can lead to a devastating charge. Above all, contacting a skilled sex crimes attorney is essential if you’ve failed to register as a sex offender.
Consequences for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender in Colorado
Failing to register as a sex offender is a class 1 misdemeanor if the defendant was originally convicted of a misdemeanor sex offense. Punishments in this situation can include 6 – 18 months in county jail and up to a $5,000 fine. If the underlying conviction was a felony sex offense, failure to register can result in a class 6 felony. Consequences here can include 1 – 2 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections and up to a $100,000 fine. In addition, Failing to register for a second time is punishable as a class 5 felony. As a result, 1 – 4 years in prison and up to $100,000 are potential ramifications.
Colorado Defense Attorney for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
Attempting to get your life back on track after conviction of a sex offense is an especially difficult road. You’ve likely battled employment difficulties, the particularly intrusive aspects of probation, and the social stigma of being a registered sex offender. All of these circumstances could easily lead to a lapse in judgement or a forgetful action when it comes to registering. Don’t let a potential prison sentence become your reality. Instead, consult an expert sex crimes attorney who knows the system and has experience fighting for the freedoms of those who’ve made poor choices along the way.
If you or someone you know has failed to register as a sex offender, be smart. Contact the aggressive defense attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo Credit: pexels – Cytonn Photography