Douglas County Drug Court
I’ve Been Charged with Possession of Meth / Methamphetamine: How Do I Get into the Douglas County, Colorado Drug Court?
When a Douglas County DA is notified that a felony drug arrest has been made, the drug unit reviews the case to decide if the case will be filed and what specific charges apply. The defendant can be referred to Drug Court through the DA’s office, their private attorney, or a probation officer. Certain criteria must be met before a person is eligible for Drug Court, including:
- First time offender
- Possession of 25 grams or less of a controlled substance
- Possession for personal use only
- History of or current substance abuse issues
If a person does not meet all the above criteria, then this Court is not an option in Douglas County. Also, if the defendant is on parole for another offense, they are not eligible.
Heroin Charge in Douglas County: What Happens After I Am Accepted into Drug Court?
Once accepted, there are three phases of Drug Court in Castle Rock in order to graduate from the Heroin use program. Each phase has a set of requirements and time frames involved that must be met in order to move on to the next phase. The requirements include things like submitting random UAs, participating in treatment, staying compliant with probation, and completing community service hours. Should a participant not be following all the rules and staying compliant, sanctions may be ordered at a Drug Court review hearing, which can include increased community service, increased treatment, placement on the SCRAM unit, or even a jail sentence.
If you have been charged with Possession of Meth, Heroin, or Cocaine and think Drug Court might be a good option for you, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact the best drug crime defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 303-265-1950 today. Together, we can protect your future.
Image Source: Pixabay-lechenie-narkomanii