Castle Rock Bond Lawyer: Douglas County Bail and Bond Attorney
Bond Amount in Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch | Factors Influencing Bond Amount: FTA?
Colorado bail and bond amounts vary in Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch depending on the classification level of felony or misdemeanor charge a defendant is facing. There are also certain factors which can affect bail and bond amounts, including the criminal history of the defendant, the seriousness of the criminal offense, the evidence involved in the criminal case, whether sex or firearms are involved, as well as any history of Failure to Appear (FTA) in court.

Cash Bond, PR Bond, Surety Bond, and Property Bond in Castle Rock
Bail and Bond Reduction Hearing in Castle Rock and Larkspur
In Castle Rock and Larkspur, your Castle Rock bond lawyer can request that a bond / bail amount be lowered at a bail/bond reduction hearing. At a bail and bond reduction hearing, your Castle Rock criminal defense lawyer and a Douglas County District Attorney will argue the amount of bail and bond before the judge. Some of the factors involved upon determining a new bond amount include:
Castle Rock and Douglas County Bail Attorney: Call Us at 303-265-1950
If you need to bond out of the Douglas County Jail in Castle Rock, or need to bond a loved one out of the Douglas County Jail, you need to consult an experienced and affordable Castle Rock bond lawyer from Sawyer Legal Group, LLC to help set a bail or bond hearing. The early involvement of a criminal defense attorney can help persuade a court to reduce your bail or bond amount. Our Castle Rock bond lawyers regularly persuade courts to reduce bail and bond amounts for our clients, saving them thousands of dollars. Call our office today to set up a free initial consultation if you or a loved one need to bond out of jail.