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Contact us 24/7 at 303-265-1950

CRS, Definition, Douglas County, Castle Rock, Lawyer, Attorney, Help, Charged, charges, jail, police

C.R.S. 18-4-202
First Degree Burglary Definition

(1)  A person commits first degree burglary if the person knowingly enters unlawfully, or remains unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry, in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit therein a crime, other than trespass as defined in this article, against another person or property, and if in effectingentry or while in the building or occupied structure or in immediate flight therefrom, the person or another participant in the crime assaults or menaces any person, the person or another participant is armed with explosives, or the person or another participant uses a deadly weapon or possesses and threatens the use of a deadly weapon.
(2)  First degree burglary is a class 3 felony.
(3)  If under the circumstances stated in subsection (1) of this section the property involved is a controlled substance, as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), within a pharmacy or other place having lawful possession thereof, such person commits first degree burglary of controlled substances, which is a class 2 felony.

Charged with First Degree Burglary in Douglas County?

Call us at 303-265-1950

If you are facing charges for First Degree Burglary in Castle Rock, Parker, Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, or anywhere in Douglas County, contact the experienced criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group today at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.