Kidnapping Charges in Douglas County, Colorado

Kidnapping Charges

Kidnapping charges in Douglas County, Colorado can result when someone imprisons a person or moves them from one location to another. Doing so by force, persuasion, or enticement can lead to serious felony charges. This crime is closely related to false imprisonment, but involves keeping a person with the intent of payment for their release […]

Vehicular Assault Lawyer in Colorado Springs

I need a vehicular assault lawyer in Colorado Springs

Driving a car recklessly resulting in serious bodily injury to another person can result in a vehicular assault charge in El Paso County. Police departments across Colorado’s front range retrieve footage from cameras on an ongoing basis. These cameras show drivers operating vehicles in questionable ways. If they come across a car striking a person, […]

False Reporting to Authorities Charges in Douglas County

False Reporting to Authorities Charges

False reporting to authorities charges can occur in Douglas County, Colorado when someone provides information about a crime that isn’t true. Criminal charges can stem from telling police a crime happened that didn’t, pulling a fire alarm as a prank, and giving law enforcement a fake ID. If you’re facing an allegation of falsely reporting […]

Posting a Private Image by a Juvenile in Douglas County

Posting a Private Image by a Juvenile

Posting a private image by a juvenile is a crime in Douglas County, Colorado that involves exchanging intimate photos on electronic devices. Texting, emailing, and posting nude pics of themselves or peers from school can lead to criminal charges for your son or daughter. As many teens interact with their devices more and more, awareness […]

Burglary Charges in Douglas County | Criminal Defense

Burglary Charges

Burglary charges in Douglas County, Colorado can result from entering another’s property intending to commit a crime. The key elements of this offense in Castle Rock, Parker, and Highlands Ranch include the type of property and the degree of danger to those inside. There are a wide range of situations that can lead to charges […]

2nd Degree Assault Lawyer

2nd Degree Assault Lawyer

2nd degree assault in Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, and Parker is a criminal charge that can result after intentionally hurting someone. Strangling another person or recklessly injuring them seriously with a deadly weapon (gun, knife, or club) are a few examples of assault in the second degree. Causing physical pain, an illness, or any impairment […]